Eduardo Oliva receives a Leonardo research grant

The Leonardo research grant from Fundación BBVA are intended to support personal projects of researchers and cultural creators in intermediate stages of their careers, between 30 and 45 years old, which are characterized by significant scientific, technological or cultural production. The specific destination of the scholarship, each endowed with 40,000 euros, admits great flexibility, adapting to the specific needs of each project, and can be developed in a temporary period of between 12 and 18 months. In this 2021 call, a total of 1,274 applications have been received.

Our colleague Eduardo Oliva who is a Ramón y Cajal postdoctoral researcher at the Instituto de Fusión Nuclear Guillermo Velarde of theUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid has received this research grant in the field of engineering: “Hacia láseres de nitrógeno atmosféricos para la detección temprana de agentes tóxicos y patógenos”.

For more info click here.